Friday, June 7, 2013

"Intel" unveils first technology Flash Disk "Thunderbolt"

A company "Intel" unveiled what it calls "the fastest storage device, flash in the world", is characterized by its use of technology "Thunderbolt" Thunderbolt used by the company "Apple" in Hacbadtha, which enabled the new device to transfer data at very high speeds compared to devices that rely on ports USB.This announcement comes during the post "Intel" during the exhibition Computex 2013 International who is currently being held in the Taiwanese capital, Taipei, where the company offered a copy of its new 128 GB capacity.On this occasion, said Oren Heber, the architect of Technology "Thunderbolt" in the "Intel", this device the first disk flash storage that supports this technology that allows data transfer in a manner much faster than others, where the speed up to 10 Gbps while not exceeding the speed transfer data at USB 3.0 semi-quantitative. 
Data transmission speeds to 10 megabits per second, twice the speed of USB technology.