Thursday, June 6, 2013

Windows 8.1 Update will need only 4 GB on your Hard Disk

As we’ve all found out approximately one week ago, Windows 8.1 is set to bring quite a lot of improvements on Windows 8 computers, including Start screen and Metro customization options.
But even so, the update won’t need more than 4 GB on your hard disk, as the company has struggled to reduce the footprint size for the upcoming release.
 Microsoft has tried to remove old components and temporary files, while also improving NTFS compression to make Windows 8.1 eat up less space on the local drives.
What’s more, in case you have already removed the Windows 8 recovery partition, Windows 8.1 Preview isn’t going to recover it, so your settings will be preserved. And still, things could change significantly once the RTM version hits the market.